Girl Sitting On Sofa And Female Psychiatrist Writing On Clipboard

Hypnotherapy works wonderfully well with children are their imaginations are amazing.  They are open minded and can easily visualise a brighter future for themselves.  Children can create stories and adventures and it is much easier to change their perceptions of events and memories are they are still relatively new.

Children suffer many stresses and difficulties nowadays and so unfortunately school, friendships, family issues, bullying, exams and many more things can create anxiety and lower their self-esteem.  Children can also pick up unhelpful habits too.  So things like thumb sucking, bed-wetting, difficulty sleeping and picky eating for example.  Children can also have fears and phobias, just like adults and I have worked successfully with children to dissolve fear of dogs/animals, fear of lifts, fear of enclosed spaces, fear of public toilets, spiders, mascots etc.

As children grow, there are more potential stresses for them with changes to their bodies and feelings, changes in relationships, schoolwork getting more difficult and of course, pressure of exams.

For children over 8 and teenagers, Hypnotherapy works remarkably well combined with EFT and EMDR.  For children under 8, depending on the issue, it may still be possible to work with them – but using more counselling, CBT techniques and EFT.  We will discuss this prior to an appointment and a parent is always invited to be present during the session.

For children and teenagers, I have found a shorter appointment time works best for them and so I limit their sessions to between 30 and 45 minutes for the reduced cost of £45.